Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, there is a right to benefit from one specific song, and usually the beneficiaries of one song are advertising companies where they reuse the song’s melody with new words and republish it to announce a new product in the market through various advertising means such as television channels, radio stations or social media, or exploit the song by exploiting it through the dramatic context of a new movie or new series, or exploiting the single song through redistribution in a new way.
In order to obtain a license to use one or more specific songs, you can contact the management of Rights Capital and provide us with some information, such as the name of the song you want to exploit, what is the method of exploiting the song that you have chosen, do you want to re-publish it through a TV advertisement? Do you want to re-arrange it musically? Would you like to include it in the dramatic context of a movie or series? And one of the specialists from Rights Capital will contact you to complete the contract.
The radio license is usually granted to a group of songs known by the name of the songs library and not for one song only, except in cases of new releases of songs. When issuing a new album of songs, radio stations request to obtain a radio broadcasting license for all or a certain number of new songs contained in the new release from The album, but in cases of radio broadcasting of the songs library determines the method that was agreed upon to broadcast the song or group of songs.
It is not possible to obtain a license to broadcast a song or a group of songs through radio broadcasts and broadcast those songs through YouTube channels or through special smartphone applications With music, each means of broadcasting songs has a separate license, but of course it is possible to obtain a comprehensive license to broadcast through radio stations and music smartphone applications at the same time.
Ofcourse, among the goals of Rights Capital is spreading the knowledge, and you are welcome to join us in the knowledge publishing team. All you have to do is send the article to us via e-mail and within three working days and after making sure that the article is in line with our goals in knowledge publishing, the article will be published through the site our own.
If you are a poet, composer, singer, producer or author of a database and you have a new idea for any of these activities, indeed we encourage new creative ideas in many fields and this is called Intellectual Property Management.
All you have to do is to send us an explanation of the idea in detail and information, your contact, and the specialized team will evaluate the idea and communicate with you in all cases, bearing in mind that the privacy policy of Bright Capital preserves the information and data of any idea that is sent to us.
You can communicate with the site administration through the e-mail shown in Contact Us.